Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tyler's new Spider-man bike. . .


Tyler got a new "big boy" bike the other day. When he saw the Spider-man bike, I new that was the one. I decided to let Tyler ride his bike inside due to the rainy weather. He loves it and rides his bike every day.

He is a took him less than 30 minutes to figure out how to ride it. When he first tried to ride it in the store he kept pushing the breaks. This is just another sign that my son is growing up too fast!
If it's not John Deere, it's Spider-man. Tyler wanted me to take a picture of his cute Spidey PJ's. What I handsome boy I have!
And he's off . . .


  1. I never heard of matching pajamas and bikes! What a lucky boy. I can't believe he learned to ride the bike so quick. I love the picutre of him showing the pjs, what a handsome little guy.

  2. He's getting too big. . . Brandon is so jealous of Tyler's spider man bike!! He keeps asking if he can have one too. I love the PJ pic too. . . super cute.

  3. I missed those pics somehow. Cute Jenn :)

  4. I love the matching outfit with the matching bike...classic! I can't believe Tyler's got a big-kid bike, that's really hard to believe! I love that he got to ride it in the house too:)
