Monday, May 11, 2009

A Rain Check Please. . .

For some reason I thought that Mothers were invisible on Mother's Day. Not so much; I had a horrible cold/illness that lasted four days, ewww! My sore-throat was accompanied by coughing and sneezing, a fever, chills and sweats, a migraine (due to allergies and lack of caffine), stuffy/runny nose, and the thing I loathe the most, body aches. I guess it could have been worse, but man I am glad I am feeling better! Last night I finally started to feel alive again. I mowed the lawn, mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned-up the rest of the dishes, and Kris and I made a nice dinner. However, since we all weren't feeling well we decided to have Mother's Day next weekend.

Dominique waited from Friday until Sunday to give me my Mother's Day present she made. I truly think that she is responsible for my recovery. Not only did she take time to make me a beautiful handmade gift, but she also made me toast and jam. She also brought me out an extra pillow and blanket; due to the fact that I had to sleep sitting up, I spent the three nights/days on the couch. What a wonderful and loving daughter I have. She even cuddled with me while we watched morning cartoons. Now you see why I got better?!

My present was so delicately wrapped and even had a cute pink ribbon!
I opened it up to find a beautiful card and...
A sweet poem with a picture of the prettiest little flower I have ever seen.
I even got a magnet with another poem that Dominique wrote for me...WOW! I feel really special!!! You are the best daught in the WHOLE WORLD, Dominique!

Kris was also wonderful, even though he also didn't feel well. He ran and got me ice-cream, pizza, orange juice, and whatever else I needed. (He even stayed home from work on Friday! What a wonderful and caring husband I have!!! He even picked-up the house, did the dishes, and kept the kids occupied so that I could sleep. WOW! I was so thankful; Thanks Honey, you're the BEST!)

All in all it was a good Mother's Day. I had my family, a nice dinner, and I finally started to feel better. Now I am just left with a lousy cold, but hey, I can deal with


PS. I have some gifts for Granny and my Grandma that I was unable to send due to being sick, but I will send them ASAP.


  1. Oh man, I'm so sorry you were feeling sick!! What a great crew you have though keeping the household running and trying their best to keep you comfortable. I hope that you have a wonderful Mother's Day NEXT weekend, and tell Dominique that she's a sweetheart...I love her card!

  2. Thats no fun! I'm sure you will make it up when you feel better and yes, your kids are so sweet and special!

  3. Sorry you were sick, hope you are better now. Happy mother's day to you too. I love Dominique's card, what cute idea.
